Monday, February 2, 2009

Poll: Broad Support for Rebuilding Infrastructure

Republican pollster Frank Luntz learned something fairly shocking in his latest poll:

A near unanimous 94% of Americans are concerned about our nation's infrastructure. And this concern cuts across all regions of the country and across urban, suburban and rural communities.

Fully 84% of the public wants more money spent by the federal government -- and 83% wants more spent by state governments -- to improve America's infrastructure. And here's the kicker: 81% of Americans are personally prepared to pay 1% more in taxes for the cause. It's not uncommon for people to say they'd pay more to get more, but when you ask them to respond to a specific amount, support evaporates. (That 74% of normally stingy Republicans are on board for the tax increase is, to me, the most significant finding in the survey.)

Republicans want a tax increase? I had to re-read this article to be sure I wasn't hallucinating.