Friday, November 14, 2008

Hillary for Secretary of State?

The Secretary of State plays a central role in positioning America on the global stage and representing our interests abroad, as well as acting as an adviser to the President. It is the single most powerful and visible role in the Cabinet. I think she would be a great representative of the U.S. to the world and it's a role for which she is definitely qualified. According to an article on

Two Obama advisers confirm the idea has been discussed, though they say they don't know how seriously the president-elect is considering it or whether Clinton would accept it.

If Obama picks her, the Republicans will be quick to claim, “that’s not change!” Of course, they would criticize Obama if he picked a relatively unknown figure, too. 


The Huffinton Post is reporting:

President-elect Barack Obama offered Sen. Hillary Clinton the position of Secretary of State during their meeting Thursday in Chicago, according to two senior Democratic officials. She requested time to consider the offer, the officials said.

She ain't talking, though: