As a community organizer in the public housing projects in the South Side of Chicago in the mid-1980s, Obama learned some of his most important lessons about politics, leadership, and the paths to social change. Now the President-elect is calling for a renewed commitment to national service. He's launched a new website to enable Americans to find a volunteer opportunity in their neighborhood, or to create and host an event on their own. As Arianna Huffington noted in her blog this week:
The preamble of the Constitution starts with We the People. And it has never been clearer than it is now that we can't "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" without the active participation of millions of us. It is not just the Bush Years that should be over on January 20th, but also the expectation that a knight in shining armor will ride into town and save us while we cheer from the sidelines. Even if the knight is brilliant, charismatic, and inspiring. It's up to us -- We the People.
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