Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Morally Bankrupt

I just love it when hypocrites are exposed:

Senator John Ensign, a well-known social conservative and family-values advocate, admitted on June 16 to an eight-month extramarital affair with a married campaign aide. The Nevada Republican's sober confession, read before a pack of reporters in Las Vegas, doubtlessly dashed the hopes of many in the party who considered Ensign an emerging national leader. The 51-year-old even fanned the flames of presidential speculation earlier this month with a trip to the key presidential-primary state of Iowa. Beyond embarrassing the second-term Senator, the revelation opened him to charges of hypocrisy: he had previously called on both President Bill Clinton and former Idaho Senator Larry Craig to resign after their own sex scandals.

Ensign, who has earned a reputation as one of Congress’ most active and ardent social conservatives, is also a born-again Christian and member of Promise Keepers, a male evangelical group that promotes fidelity. Add him to the ever-growing list of "moral" Republicans who constantly tell us how to live our lives and deny the rights of gays to marry, yet keep getting caught up in scandals like these. Let's take a look back at some of the more memorable examples from the past few years, shall we?