Friday, October 9, 2009

A Right Delayed is a Right Denied

President Obama will be addressing the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group, tomorrow night. Bill Maher hilariously explains why it's time for President Obama to overturn "don't ask, don't tell":

One, because it's the right thing to do and two, because it will throw the conservative base into such a frenzied, pants-shitting panic that they'll drop all that BS about death panels and socialism and let us all get some actual work done.

Because here's the thing about today's conservatives: they're not bright. They can't keep a lot of ideas in their head at once. And by "a lot" I mean "two." If we can get them all worked up about fighting the gay menace, it will siphon away all that crazy, right wing, town-hall energy from all the other big issues they've been fighting. The tea-baggers don't know what the word "socialism" means. But they do know what the word "gay" means, because their hairdresser explained it to them once, and they don't like it. They will be drawn to it like a moth to a flamer. Bush was practically re-elected on a promise to keep boys from kissing. Which is ridiculous, because if you want to stop gays from having sex, wouldn't you let them get married?

Besides, as Lewis Black said, "we needs boots on the ground and if some of the boots are Prada, then FABULOUS!"

And the kicker from Maher:
And when they get out there on Sunday [gay rights march on Washington DC], Gay Nation also needs to do everything in their power to scare the hell out of right-wing homophobes. I want to see you guys rollerblading down the Mall in nothing but a speedo and a nun's habit, holding a sparkler in one hand and a penis popsicle in the other.