Thursday, February 19, 2009

Recovery Package Invests Heavily in Clean Energy

As Obama mentioned repeatedly during the presidential campaign, we must make it a national priority to become energy independent (we're sending more $700B to the Middle East for oil). Not to mention, it's about time that we started doing something about climate change. He's following through on those promises:

A large sum for energy efficiency, including $5 billion for low-income weatherization programs; over $6 billion in grants for state and local governments; and several billion to modernize federal buildings, with a particular emphasis on energy efficiency.

$11 billion for “smart grid” investments.

$3.4 billion for carbon capture and sequestration demonstration projects (otherwise known as “clean coal”).

$2 billion for research into batteries for electric cars.

$500 million to help workers train for “green jobs.”

A three-year extension of the “production tax credit” for wind energy (as well as a tax credit extension for biomass, geothermal, landfill gas and some hydropower projects).

"It’s an investment that will double the amount of renewable energy produced over the next three years,” said Mr. Obama, who also promised that the bill would help “transform the way we use energy.”