When I mentioned that the Republicans were fresh out of ideas regarding the economic crisis, I couldn't have imagined they were this desperate:
Fresh off his stint as a war correspondent in Gaza, Joe the Plumber is now doing political strategy with Republicans.
When GOP congressional aides gather Tuesday morning for a meeting of the Conservative Working Group, Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher – more commonly known as Joe the Plumber — will be their featured guest. This group is an organization of conservative Capitol Hill staffers who meet regularly to chart GOP strategy for the week.
Wurzelbacher, who became a household name during the presidential election, will be focusing his talk on the proposed stimulus package. He's apparently not a fan of the economic rescue package, according to members of the group.
Let's recap. First they elect Bush, then they nominate Palin for VP, and now they're having this guy (who is neither a plumber or named Joe) give a presentation about economics? What's next..will they nominate Judge Judy to the Supreme Court?